Slovénie: une présidence illibérale? EuroCréative Podcast, 5 July 2021.
Odnosi EU in Združenega kraljestva na novih temeljih. Studio ob 17h, RTV SLO, 4 January 2021.
Vrh Unije in korakanje proti prepadu. Studio ob 17h, RTV SLO, 16 Oct 2020.
If President Juncker wants to use the EU budget to demonstrate ‘solidarity’, it is EU Cohesion Policy that makes a real difference to how citizens perceive and identify with the EU. Committee of Regions News, 5 May 2018.
“Evropski denar ne more kupiti ljubezni do Evropske unije.”, Radio Koper, 25 Jan 2018.
Policy Outreach
‘Results from the focus groups’, presentation at the COHESIFY Final conference. European Committee of the Regions, Brussels, 26 April 2018.
‘What do citizens think about Cohesion policy? Key findings from the COHESIFY project’, Seminar presentation at the European Commission (DG REGIO), Brussels, 16 March 2018.